Book of the Golden Retriever, The
Anna Katherine Nicholas
This beautiful 'coffee table' book contains all the information essential to the golden owner, including a detailed history of the breed throughout the world, invaluable advice on every topic from breeding, selection and care of the puppy through conformation, obedience, grooming, and veterinary care.
477 pp. / color & photos / TFH-1983
Order #B-GRT302
Reg. $39.95 4M Price $32.95
Caring for Your Pet Golden Retriever *
Order #GRETCFYP VT $29.95
Complete Guide to the Golden Retriever
Michael Twist
Thoroughly covers the breed, from choosing
a puppy through all stages of development
and training. Discusses show and field trials,
working tests, obedience, agility, and gun dog
training. Includes resume of hereditary diseases.
192 pp. / 38 illus. / 1988 / UK
Order #GRETCG $33.95
Dog Lover's Video Guide to the Golden *
Order #GRETDLVG VT $24.95
Golden Love Story, A
Phyllis Seymour
A touching, often funny account of the
author's love for the family of dogs who
shared her life for 17 years.
1993 / UK
Order #GRETLS $29.95
Golden Retriever, The
Jeffrey Pepper
Order #B-GRT303
Reg. $24.95 4M Price $21.95
Golden Retriever, The
Evelyn M. Schneider
Order #GRETEMS $29.95
Golden Retriever, The
Joan Tudor
1987 / UK
Order #GRETJT $34.95
Golden Retriever *
AKC Breed Video
Order #B-GRT101 VT $24.95
Golden Retriever-An Owner's Guide to a
Happy, Healthy Pet *
Order #GRETOGHHP $12.95
Golden Retriever *
Champions 1952-1982
Champions 1983-1986
Order #B-GRT201 SC $36.95
Order #B-GRT202 SC $28.95
Golden Retriever Second Book of Champions
Show Champions, Field and Trial Champions,
and Obedience Champions
1915-1939, 1986-1990
Valerie Foss
Includes Scandinavian, European, and American dogs.
1991 / UK
Order #GRETSBOC $69.95
Golden Retrievers #
James E. Walsh, Jr
Order #B-GRT301 $9.95
Golden Retrievers-A Book of Postcards
30 delightful, full-color postcards.
Order #GRETPOST $8.95
Golden Retrievers-An Owner's Companion
Lyn Anderson
1991 / UK
Order #GRETOC $39.95
Golden Retrievers Today **
Valerie Foss
160 pp. / 60 photos / HWL-1994
Order #B-GRT401 $27.95
Golden Years-A Pet Owner's Guide to the
Golden Retriever
Siegal & Margolis
A complete guide to puppy selection and
housebreaking, obedience training, health
care, nutrition, behavior and more.
213 pp. / color photos / 1st/1996
Order #GRETGY $18.95
In the Ribbons-The Dog Show Game *
Golden Retriever
Noted Authorities
Order #GRETITR VT $49.95
New Complete Golden Retriever **
Gertrude Fischer
304 pp. / /245 b/w illus. / HWL-2nd/1984
Order #B-GRT402 $27.95
New Golden Retriever **
Marcia Schlehr
288 pp. / 125 illus. / HWL-1996
Order #B-GRT403 $27.95
New Owner's Guide to Golden Retrievers *
Judy Laureano
Order #GRETNOG $12.95
Proper Care of Golden Retrievers *
Order #GRETPCO $16.95
Dean Koontz
See fiction for description.
Order #GRETWACH SC $6.99
World of the Golden Retriever-A Dog
For All Seasons
Nona Kilgore Bauer
Covers every aspect of the breed and its
accomplishments in the show ring, field,
and home, as well as its utilization in
detecting drug smugglers and arsonists.
480 pp. / 9x12 / 700+ color photos TFH-1993
Reg. $79.95 4M Price $66.95
Out-of-Print, In Stock
Golden Retriever, The
H. Edwin Shaul
History, conformation, true type, breeding,
training, feeding and care of the "Gentleman
Sportsman" of the important world of dogs.
119 pp. / illus. / 1st / 1954
Order #GRETHES $55.00